Bring volunteers & people in need together
In response to the needs created by COVID-19 and to harvest the amazing response to calls for help from the community, Novoville and Peopletoo have launched GetVolunteering: a new app module supported by a powerful cloud-based dashboard that significantly increases the efficiency of your volunteering sector, bringing in partners, such as the NHS, local charities and central or local authorities, into one dedicated environment.
The solution was selected by NHSx, the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and the Ministry for Housing Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) through the TechForce19 challenge, which received more than 1,600 bids. It delivers value out-of-the-box, and is designed to support organisations well beyond the end of COVID-19.
GetVolunteering enables you to triage volunteers into clinical and non-clinical roles to support the fight against COVID-19. It enables authorities to quickly identify and assess capable volunteers in the local community to fill key roles supporting social care in areas that have been impacted by loss of staffing capacity due to COVID-19, or for new roles that are required during and after the crisis.
The system allows vulnerable people in the population to easily ask for help, and pairs them with the most able volunteers. Volunteers can then use the GetVolunteering app to log their actions (e.g. befriending calls, shopping drops, etc.) and record any safeguarding concerns they might have, generating significant time-savings. All this information is available on the management dashboard, allowing authority staff to identify where further mental health, financial or social support may be needed.
The functionality available within the app is growing by the week to meet the evolving needs of the UK volunteer and social care sectors.
Current functionality includes:
- Applying for volunteer roles
- Pooling of volunteers
- Instant matching of People-in-Need with volunteers
- Completing volunteer action/feedback logs
- Identifying Safeguarding/Risk issues
- Alerting management to mental health and other challenges
- Accessing real-time data to strategically plan resourcing for care & support services
- Inviting individuals or groups to virtual or physical events
- Making individuals aware of new training opportunities or local services
- Reporting on KPIs, including individual and team progress
- Ability to import existing volunteer data
- Planned enhancements of the solution include the Volunteer Passport, auto-validation using AI tools, buddy peer-to-peer support, instant messaging campaigns to retain & develop the volunteering community, Incentive Management including time banking.
We are committed to support you every step of the way. Our specialist team will assist you in adopting the platform and using our social media toolset to increase the uptake of new volunteers and referral of individuals requiring support in the community.

Cloud-based dashboard
The Novoville dashboard enables organisations to manage data and information about all volunteer activity, whether this applies to an internal team, an outsourced service or a combination of the two.
The dashboard brings all the information on volunteering activity together in one, easy-to-manage location. Organisations are able to collate the information for their KPIs, manage forms and send any outbound communications to the volunteers, whether this is managed by a customer service team in one building or remotely.

Receive call log

Identify issues

Alert management

Provide instant feedback
Novoville citiesare performing better
Interaction between local governments and citizens becomes immediate, efficient and cost-effective.
Want to see how you can fast-track volunteers and increase their engagement?
We are committed to support you every step of the way. Our specialists will guide you through our platform and answer any questions you have.